Feb 10, 2017
John Honerkamp is a former Olympic Trials qualifier, a running coach, and one of the co-leaders of the November Project tribe in New York City. He boasts an impressive running history: He competed at the Olympic Trials in the 800 meters when he was still in college, and holds a 2:44 marathon PR. John worked for New York Road Runners for six years, where he helped create and develop the organization’s Virtual Trainer coaching and group training programs. John is currently a freelance running coach and consultant, and trains everyone from first-time runners to super competitive collegiate track and field athletes. (Fun fact: He’s also a comedian and performs with improv troupes!) Note: The audio for this episode is a little funky at times. We didn’t have a great internet connection while we were recording, so bear with us, and it’ll be fixed for the next episode! Show Notes: November Project: http://november-project.com/ New York Road Runners: http://www.nyrr.org/ New York Road Runners Virtual Trainer: http://www.nyrr.org/train-with-us/training-programs Follow John: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/johnhonerkamp/ Website: http://johnhonerkamp.com/ Follow Ali: Instagram: aliontherun1 Twitter: aliontherun1 Blog: http://www.aliontherunblog.com Thank you for listening to and supporting the Ali on the Run Show! If you’re enjoying the show, please subscribe and leave a rating and review on iTunes. Spread the run love!