Jun 13, 2017
Motivational phrases are meant to inspire us — but they sometimes kinda stink. Today I'm sharing the ones I'm just not digging, especially while I'm working my way through my latest Crohn's disease flare. Plus, I offer up my take on rest, recovery, and taking a break from social media, and share where I'm at physically, mentally, and emotionally right now. Stuff I Mention on this Episode: My Favorite Running & Life Mantras: http://www.aliontherunblog.com/2017/04/11/ali-run-show-episode-18-running-life-mantras/ The Lessons I've Learned in My Thirties: http://www.aliontherunblog.com/2017/05/02/ali-run-show-episode-24-lessons-ive-learned-thirties/ Global Running Day & Why I Run: http://www.aliontherunblog.com/2017/06/06/ali-run-show-episode-34-global-running-day-run/ November Project: http://november-project.com/ Eugene Marathon: http://www.eugenemarathon.com/ Tracksmith: https://www.tracksmith.com/ NYRR New York Mini 10K: http://www.nyrr.org/races-and-events/2017/nyrr-new-york-mini-10k 2017 Airbnb Brooklyn Half Marathon Recap: http://www.aliontherunblog.com/2017/05/21/2017-airbnb-brooklyn-half-recap/ Follow Ali: Instagram @aliontherun1 Facebook Twitter @aliontherun1 Blog Strava Listen on iTunes I SoundCloud I Overcast I Stitcher I Google Play Thank you for listening to and supporting the Ali on the Run Show! If you’re enjoying the show, please subscribe and leave a rating and review on iTunes. Spread the run love!