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Ali on the Run Show

Jun 14, 2018

“You can make a career shift at any time. Because why not pursue something that you think would make you happy?” —Wesley Little

Wesley Little is a licensed professional counselor specializing in couples therapy, and she’s here to answer all of my — and your — burning questions. On this episode, Wesley talks about her indirect route to becoming a therapist (including a detour through law school), and the schooling and education required to pursue a similar career. She debunks common misconceptions about therapy, explains why most couples seek therapy together, and shares what she thinks holds most people back from seeing a therapist. Now more than ever, this conversation is so important, and I hope you enjoy it. (Plus, Wesley and her husband are both two-time marathoners. As for whether they have a “perfect marriage” and never fight? I asked. And she answered.)

Thank you to AfterShokz for sponsoring this episode of the Ali on the Run Show! CLICK HERE for $30 off your wireless headphone purchase!


What you’ll get on this episode:

  • How Wesley decided to become a therapist, and what her journey to her dream career entailed (3:10)
  • The kind of therapy Wesley practices, and why she decided she wanted to work with couples (9:45)
  • Wesley debunks some common misconceptions about couples therapy (13:40)
  • Wesley’s advice for finding a therapist, and what she says holds most people back from going to therapy (15:10)
  • Wesley breaks down the most common reasons couples seek therapy (20:20)
  • When is the right time to start seeing a therapist? And how do you get your partner to agree if he or she is hesitant? (29:25)
  • Wesley opens up about her own relationship, and how running plays a role in it (38:00)
  • Wesley shares whether or not she thinks you should go to bed angry (43:00)
  • Wesley answers listener questions! (45:15)

What we mention on this episode:

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Dr. Sue Johnson

Psychology Today

Terry Real

Vanessa Marin

The 5 Love Languages

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